About The Wiingman Breathalyzer

Meet the Wiingman Breathalyzer, a trusted companion for anyone who enjoys a social drink. Imagine the peace of mind you could gift your college-bound child, a colleague, or even yourself. With the Wiingman, making responsible decisions about drinking becomes not just a choice but a straightforward one.

The Wiingman was crafted from a story being told to our founder about a friend not being able to celebrate getting into Med School by having a round of tequila shots with friends. To his surprise, his friend had gotten a DUI a year earlier after being pulled over one night only a block away from their home. After detailing the costs, fees, court dates, probation, driving restrictions and all the other issues that came with that arrest for a DUI, we decided it was time to provide a way to self test our BAC (Blood Alcohol Content) so the police aren't the only ones with the ability to accurately know if you are over the limit or not. And that is how The Wiingman Breathalyzer was born.

Think of Sarah, a bright college student, who carries her Wiingman Breathalyzer to every party. It's not just a device; it's her assurance that she can check her BAC (Blood Alcohol Content) and make the informed decision to call a ride if needed. Or consider John at the office holiday party, checking his levels discreetly, ensuring he's safe to drive home to his family. These aren't just scenarios; they're everyday realities for Wiingman users who value safety and responsibility.

Every year, lives are tragically impacted by drunk driving, with many facing the dire consequences of DUI charges. But what if you had the power to prevent such outcomes? The Wiingman Breathalyzer puts professional-grade alcohol detection in your pocket—levelling the playing field so that not only the police have access to reliable breathalyzers.

At Wiingman, we're committed to a world where everyone has the tools to make it home safely. By carrying a Wiingman, you're not just enjoying your evenings out; you're actively participating in a community dedicated to responsible drinking and the well-being of its members. Let's change the narrative on social drinking, one smart decision at a time.